Sunday, May 27, 2007

South Africa TB

Tuberculosis has been a rising problem in South Africa. Over the years, tuberculosis has been an increasing threat to South Africa and its people. Tuberculosis is now considered and emergency to South Africa, as HIV has increased the impact of TB on South Africans. Because of South Africa's limited access to resources, tuberculosis has become a big problem in Africa. Many people in South Africa have no idea that there is a treatable drug for tuberculosis or they have no money or access to these types of drugs.

Because a large amount of South Africa's people have AIDS/HIV, they are more susceptible to the effects of tuberculosis. This makes South Africa one of the most affected countries by this disease.

It's sad how the people living in South Africa have no choice on where they live and how much money they have. They aren't able to cure easily treatable diseases. Why doesn't South Africa have easy access to drugs that cure TB? If tuberculosis is so easily cured, how come the rate of TB in South Africa is increasing instead of decreasing?

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