Friday, June 1, 2007

Plans for the weekend

Raymond, Alex, and I have all decided to work on our project during the weekend. We have all chosen to work at Raymond's house, after gathering all of our supplies. Our main focus is to start our project, and have at least half of our map drawn. I will be drawing our map and it should be finished tuesday, June 5th. We hope to get a lot of work done during the weekend so that we'll be ahead of schedule, so we have time to revise and fix and problems that we might have.

We have also decided to research the present problem of tuberculosis, regarding the case of the man who was diagnosed with Multi Drug-resistant (MDR) Tuberculosis. This type of TB is immune to medical drugs used to treat tuberculosis. It is only treatable by long term chemotherapy. Currently, the man has been quarantined in Denver at a special facility. This case is becoming more serious because of the possibility that the man could have spread MDR TB, since it is contagious by contact.

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